The Emotional Muscle

A 12 step Coaching programme designed to explore and nurture psychological safety in the workplace amongst individual leaders and teams.

The overall purpose of the programme is to develop psychological safety for individual workers and the workplace. Psychological safety is where employees can feel that they can contribute to their work in a safe and useful way, without being belittled, humiliated or bullied. It enables them to take ownership for their development, their behaviour and their performance. Psychological safety is about being able to show up at work to be your whole self. To contribute and ‘join in’ without fear of negative consequences or knocks to self confidence. This also allows a shift from traditional authoritative ‘command and control’ style leadership. Leaders take time to get to know their teams and introduce a curiosity approach, inviting productive disagreements within meetings and creating an open and intentional space where they are truly listening, thereby enabling employee engagement.

The course aims to create strength in leadership through vulnerability. The programme has been developed for maximum benefit to work either on a one to one basis with individuals or in groups no larger than 8 and no less than 6 participants, both in-person and virtually.

To find out what the workshops look like you can view the video example of Workshop 4 below.

The Emotional Muscle is an ideal programme for any organisation, leader and worker who wants to create strength through working with vulnerability. It brings the heart, as the emotional muscle, into the leadership process as well as the mind.