Therapeutic Programme for Men

A 12-week course dedicated ????




Programme Outline

  • Session 1: Assessment and exploration around what has been happening

  • Session 2: What does your life look like right now? + Exploring examples of abusive behaviour + How happy are you with your life? What would you like to change? + Examining choices

  • Session 3: How does your partner feel right now? + Looking at what domestic abuse is + Exploring the impact of the abusive behaviour + Empathy check + The effects of partner abuse

  • Session 4: Looking at strategies to reduce abusive behaviour + How to use strategies effectively + How do you perceive your situation? + Working with reality check and negative self-talk

  • Session 5: Men and violence + What you want from your relationship + Power and control - how this poisons relationships

  • Session 6: The effects of domestic abuse on children + The role of a father

  • Session 7: Steps to responsibility and accountability + Why do you want to change?

  • Session 8: What makes change difficult? What helps/what hinders change? + Recognising moods and feelings and paying attention to them – feelings of vulnerability, guilt and shame + Use of alcohol and drugs

  • Session 9: Working with expectations and the need to be right + Looking at the role of entitlement

  • Session 10: Looking at strategies that can support change

  • Session 11: Unfinished business

  • Session 12: Progress review + What is working? + What do you still need to do? + How can progress be maintained?