Person-centred Counselling & Coaching
Working with individuals and organisations who are committed to creating long-term, positive change.
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Sitting at the heart of my practice and informing all of the work I do are my core values.
In our work together there is an invitation to allow things to be ‘as they are’ and in each session we work with what you want to bring that day, without expectation or rigidity. Working with this openness allows us to notice patterns and ways of being that may show up in more areas of your life than you recognise.
“Imperfect is perfect”
The therapeutic space can offer us the opportunity to become our own private detective; this mindset is at the forefront of my practice, and I encourage curiosity and exploration in every session. Through asking questions like ‘I’m curious about why you think/feel that’ unexpected spaces of reflection are opened, freeing you up to look at your life through a different lens and creating new possibilities.
“Ignite your interest”
Often we judge ourselves and our feelings, carrying beliefs that we are not good enough or that we ‘should’ be a certain way. This self-critique can diminish our presence, keeping us small and therefore stuck and dissatisfied. By centring compassion, I create a non-judgemental space that offers a model of acceptance that can be practiced in your everyday life.
“Compassion not criticism”
Our sessions offer the opportunity to acknowledge personal struggle and the feelings that this brings up, as well as encouraging exploration of ‘your part’ in the struggle. Exploring the feeling of stuff being done ‘to me’ allows us to gain self-awareness and take ownership of our actions, removing the feeling of powerlessness and increasing a sense of agency.
“Self-awareness = self-discovery”
“Over the years, Rosie and I have built up a good therapeutic relationship and my sessions with Rosie have been life changing. I am so grateful to know Rosie as I continue on my healing journey through life to greater self-awareness and emotional healing”
- Susanna, 50, Business Owner
“After being put in contact with Rosie I immediately felt the benefit of a coach in all aspects of my life. Even 12 months on I still hear her advice guiding me though decisions and helping me to keep a healthy mind and work life balance.”
— Sam, 32, Logistics Manager
“Working with Rosie was a breath of fresh air that I needed in my life right at a time of major change. My friends are constantly telling me now that I seem noticeably more confident, more in command of my life, and more like I’ve got ‘it’“
- Matt, 33, Neuroscientist