The Emotional Workout

A 12-week course dedicated to building and shaping your ‘Emotional Muscle’


This course is dedicated to building and shaping your emotional muscle.

If you have created physical muscle, you will know the amount of effort that goes into getting the muscle. The ‘emotional workout’ strengthens your relationship with yourself and others. You can shape up your emotional wellbeing in the same way you can physically workout. Emotional results take time, often we are weighed down by well-established patterns that do not serve us.

By signing up to the emotional workout you will build your personal programme to achieve healthier and happier shape.

The 12 week therapeutic course is an invitation to consider your individual and emotional needs.

All sessions are supported by weekly feedback sheets that help you to track your progress in getting to the top of your ‘inner game’. The more you practise this workout the more your ‘emotional fitness’ will improve.

Sessions begin with a short mindfulness practice and are accompanied by relevant materials.

Programme Outline

  • An assessment/MOT of your emotional health

  • Learning the basis of the process of change: contemplation, action, resourcing, resilience

  • Looking at how to create the emotional muscle - checking in with yourself on a daily basis

  • Examining beliefs/assumptions and their role in your life. Developing balanced core beliefs

  • How to develop strategies to manage difficulties in your life - relationships, work, family

  • Accepting yourself - looking at the wounded self

  • Working with the vulnerable self

  • Self-awareness around interpreting ‘your world’- what story are you telling yourself

  • Role of negative self-talk and reality checking

  • Building resilience and creating empowerment

  • Closing sessions: Coachee led sessions for any unfinished business and consolidating what has been learnt